We worked together with local residents to come up with and test various traffic organisation layouts for Livu Square in Cesis, a historic public space which is currently dominated by vehicular traffic. One of the suggestions was selected and approved by the City Council, and the space was given a quick makeover using flowerpots. While a more permanent design is in the works, people want to sit somewhere today, so we built a couple of car seats — monuments for the cars that no longer dominate Livu Square. All surfaces of an automobile are sittable: use the boot as a comfortable bench, stretch out your legs and enjoy the sun on the hood, or get on top if you're feeling rebellious.
Year: 2015
Team: Fine Young Urbanists (Evelina Ozola & Toms Kokins)
Client: self-initiated / Cesis Municipality
Partner: Fonoklubs
Photos © Toms Kokins